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One way

Recommended: Pak Bara Pier to Krabi

Pak Bara Pier to Krabi Trip Overview

🚗 Travel from Pak Bara – Fast or Budget-Friendly! 🚌
Choose the option that fits your needs:
✅ Car, Taxi, or Private Car
Duration: ~2 hrs 40 mins
Price: ~THB 5,000
Fastest Option – Ideal for comfort and speed.
✅ Minivan
Duration: 3 hrs 45 mins - 5 hrs 30 mins
Price: From THB 600
Budget-Friendly with basic amenities.
🎟️ Book Online to compare prices and schedules.
🕗 Depart early morning until 6 PM.
🔗 Book Your Ride Now! 🌟
Number of Operators0
Price range
Ride Duration Range
Earliest Departure08:00
Latest Departure18:00
Travel Guide: Pak Bara to Krabi

Travel Guide: Pak Bara to Krabi

When you want to get from Pak Bara to Krabi, you have a few options to consider. Traveling between these destinations is possible by different means of transport:


Transportation Options

Car , Taxi and Private car

  • Duration: Approximately 2 hours 40 minutes
  • Price: Around THB 5,000
  • Details: This is the fastest option available, typically operated by services like Bangkok Taxi 24


  • Duration: Ranges from 3 hours 45 minutes to 5 hours 30 minutes
  • Price: Starts at THB 600
  • Details: Minivans offer basic passenger necessities and are a popular choice for budget travelers

Booking Information

  • Tickets can be booked through our platforms that compare prices and schedules, ensuring you find the best deal for your preferred travel method
  • The earliest departure from Pak Bara in the morning, with options available until 6 PM.

Available Trips Summary

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Pak Bara Pier to Ao nang Any Hotel JOIN
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Pak bara Pier to Krabi Bus Station JOIN
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Pak bara Pier to Krabi Airport JOIN
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CD Tour & Transportation

Pak bara Pier to Krabi Town any Hotel PRIVATE
2024-04-23 - 2025-10-31
Pak Bara Pier to Ao nang Any Hotel PRIVATE
2024-04-23 - 2025-10-31
Pak bara Pier to Krabi Airport PRIVATE
2024-04-23 - 2025-10-31